I want to bring more interesting features to my
exhibition layout. I like to give my visitors something new to look at each year. The past year
I have upgraded the scenery on parts of the layout. This time I am looking into the track plan
itself. I want to make it easier to lay track and reconfigure the track plan. NOCH has a product
that solves just that!
If you are a regular follower of the blog, you will have seen pictures from my modular layout.
Both the C track articles and some of the landscaping articles feature stuff from the
construction of the layout. Here are some pictures from the layout as it currently looks.
I like to build, rebuild, break down, set up, build again, and again and rebuild and so it goes.
In other words: I need a track system that is easy to use and easy to set up and take down. The
Trix C track stands out when it comes to track systems with built-in track bed. The Trix C track
is a derivative of the Märklin C tack, but without the center rail. Trix C track is built for
2-rail operation and comes complete with support for RP25 wheel sets and powered frogs.
I have added additional images of the turnouts.
Some times real estate can be an issue when building a model railway.
There are of course smaller scales and you might be tempted to go that way, but what if you
desperately want to stick with H0? Some times smaller scales just does not appeal to you. The layout
size is 1 x 1 meter (3.28 x 3.28 feet).