Søren's Model Railway Pages

About model railways in H0


Detailing Commuter Coaches From PIKO

A model train

The PIKO commuter coaches have been around for quite some time. They were originally quite cheap so they quickly gained a lot of fans. The coaches are a model of the German N-type that you used to see around urban areas and on branch lines (and to some extend still do). From time to time PIKO have released modern versions of these coaches, but done nothing else than repainting the older types in the new colours. This is fine, when you think of the price, but there are some small changes that you can make yourself to add a more modern look to the coach. In this article I will show you how I upgraded my models to look more modern.


My Exhibition Layout - Part 3

A model train

After having converted the track bed to NOCH ballast mat I have started to use the catenary with the small feet that you can put under the C-track. Because the track bed is not as wide as required I have some huge gabs underneath the track because the mast lifts the track upwards. In this post I solve this problem using a screwdriver, some glue and some more ballast mat.


My Exhibition Layout - Part 2

A model train

I want to bring more interesting features to my exhibition layout. I like to give my visitors something new to look at each year. The past year I have upgraded the scenery on parts of the layout. This time I am looking into the track plan itself. I want to make it easier to lay track and reconfigure the track plan. NOCH has a product that solves just that!
